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This is important for the user experience. Receive a Push Notification when someone writes you a message.
No downloads necessary, just activate it below. Works on Desktop and Mobiles
No more emails that you have a new message. Realtime on your screen
Unfortunately your browser doesn't support it YET. Currently it is only supported by Chrome. Open Chrome and visit the website again to activate Push Notification.
Firefox will support push notification in their next update.
You blocked the push notification, so you will not receive realtime notifications but emails for all the messages you receive To unblock click the lock and change permissions
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You cannot use this function anonymously, please first login with acebook
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Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/citashoppi/domains/citashoppingcenter.com/private_html/profileedit.php on line 1045
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